Thursday, 29 September 2016

Play Well But Be Safe

Since sports and sports related activities gained international importance a  medical field has emerged along with this called sports medicine. Sports Medicine also called sports and exercise medicine is a branch of medicine that associated with the physical fitness and prevention of injuries in sports and exercise.

Some common sports injuries are :
  • Muscle Cramps: When the muscles of our body undergo continuous contraction and cramps occur thus causes intense pain.
  • Concussion: When brain undergoes continuous and furious movement inside the skull it causes nerve damage leading to a seizure-like situation.
  • ACL Pain: Anterior Cruciate Ligament is the ligament that stabilizes the knee. When it gets twisted  it leads to intense pain in the knee area.
  • Shin Splints: This happens when sharp pain occurs in the connective tissue surrounding the tibia and its adjacent areas. Its main symptoms include pain in leg between ankle and knee
  • Ankle sprain : This occurs when ligaments hold the bones, stretches beyond its limits.


How to prevent sports injuries ?
  • Wear helmets, pads and  other gear
  • Warm up and cool down
  • Know the rule of the game and play accordingly
  • Avoid playing while your are injured
  • Watch out for others

Sports injury treatment procedure:
Immediately after the injury  R.I.C.E ( rest, ice,  compress, elevate )  treatment is done. Even an after a day this should be continued. Within 72 hours most of the injury begins to heal. The patient should do regular exercises to ease the pain and increase movement. After a month symptoms like severe pain and swelling, deformities, crunching sounds, fever, breathing  trouble persists you should consult a doctor.  The doctor uses a combination of surgery, pills, and physiotherapy to treat the injury of the patient.
The hospital offers best Sports Injury Prevention in New Delhi with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.
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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Hip Arthroscopy in Delhi

The procedure of inspecting interior joints with a tiny 4 mm lens arthroscope is known as Arthroscopy. Incisions are made on the diseased joints for the diagnosis and treatment.
Hip arthroscopy is a surgical procedure to treat the problems in the articular cartilage, labrum , or other soft tissues that surrounds the diseased joints. The cause of problems in hip can be due to some injuries or due to certain orthopedic conditions.

Orthopedic conditions include:
  • Dysplasia: In this situation the socket becomes shallow and the labrum become more sensitive to pull apart.
  • Femoroacetabular impingement : Here the bone grow around femur head or socket and bone get damaged.
  • Synovitis: This condition refers to the inflammation of the synovial lining.
  • Snapping Hip Syndrome: The tendon gets damaged due to wear & tear or excessive damage.
  • Loose bodies: loosely movement of some bone or cartilage fragments within the joint.
  • A tension is made on the leg in order to get the surgeon an opportunity to observe the hip clearly and to insert the instruments properly.
  • A small incision is made in the area of disease joint.
  • Other incisions made for the insertion of other instruments.
  • Diagnosis and treatment is done according to the situation.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the complexity of the disorder in the hip.
  • Less pain
  • Fast recovery
  • Negligible blood loss
  • Less chances of infection
  • Usually done as a day care procedure.

Dr. Raju Eswaran an experienced orthopedics provides the Hip Arthroscopy in Delhi. Along with arthroscopy treatment he is expert in  various orthopedic treatments such as joint replacement, joint preservation, sports and exercise medicines. Quality services are given to  the patients in an affordable cost.  

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Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Arthritis Signs And Symptoms

What is arthritis?
Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of a joint. With arthritis, you will feel pain in the joints,  especially when walking. Sometimes the skin, located on aching joints, begins to redden and there is a fever. 

If one joint is inflamed, the disease is called monoartrit, and if the process involves several joints, then - polyarthritis. If you do not treat the disease, they will be amazed at all the articular tissues: the  cartilage, and its shell. The disease can occur suddenly, in this case, doctors say an acute arthritis,  and  evolve over time, progressing slowly (chronic arthritis).

Symptoms of Arthritis
Arthritis, as well as any other disease, has a number of symptoms.

Reactive arthritis is characterized by weakness and malaise. Since the disease manifests itself in the initial stage. Sometimes there are headaches, and body temperature can reach 38 degrees. Distinguish reactive arthritis may be the characteristic feature - leg joints are affected asymmetrically, and this  occurs after disappearing for nonspecific signs of illness. Parallel may appear symptoms of  inflammation of the urogenital system (burning sensation during urination) and conjunctivitis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested in the fact that the joints are affected symmetrically. They  become swollen and inflamed. The pain will intensify at night, closer to awakening. In the afternoon, it almost completely disappears. In the early development of the disease people often saved from  unpleasant feelings by performing the exercise. The more the disease progresses, the less efficient  the process becomes. After the strike the small joints of arthritis, it will move to large, will form the characteristic knots. They are represented by small, dense formations, localized on the bend of the  joints. Throughout the illness the person will experience malaise, poor appetite, weakness. During  periods of exacerbation occurs fever. Sometimes join symptoms such as numbness in arms and legs, pain in the chest during breathing, inflammation of the salivary glands, as well as photophobia and  pain in the eyes.

Infectious arthritis is acute onset of characteristic signs of intoxication. The body temperature rises  to higher values, accompanied by chills, headache and muscle pain. Sometimes you may experience nausea, vomiting followed, but this feature is often characteristic of young children. The joint, which is struck by illness, swells, its shape changes. The pain is worse during movement, it may radiate to  the next location of the site. A man tries to take the position in which it is easier to tolerate the  discomfort. The skin is heated around the place where the diseased joint. If people have symptoms of blurred retirement age, the children they appear brighter. The disease develops rapidly.

Gouty attack often finds a man at night. To give impetus to the disease may or eating large amounts of meat or alcohol. In most cases, infestation first joint of the thumb is located on the leg. But  sometimes the disease affects the knee or elbow. To inflammation site can not be touched, as a  person experiences severe pain which is accompanied by swelling and reddening of the skin. The  body temperature is normal, the episode has passed as suddenly as it had begun. The total period of  the disease - a few days.

Psoriatic arthritis, it will disturb the following symptoms: a gradual progression of the disease,  swelling at the site of injury, local temperature rise. In skin and scalp spots appear, they are red, gives a person the discomfort of itching and flaking. Just parallel affected nail plates, they begin to split.  Suffer from this type of arthritis can any joint, but more often affected fingers. At the same time, they thicken and resemble sausages. Pain in the initial stages of the disease does not occur, and if it is  present, in the morning. 

Osteoarthritis is manifested in the fact that the joints begin to ache gradually as the disease progresses. Also, a characteristic feature is the crunch. It affects both the joints of limbs and spine.

Traumatic arthritis develops the type of osteoarthritis. The symptoms are the same - is pain,  swelling and crepitation in the place where the inflammatory process.

Consult a doctor

To take out arthritis form your life you must meet an orthopedic specialist. Let us introduce our  orthopedic specialist Dr. Raju Eswaran who is a well reputed orthopedic consultant in delhi.